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Real Deal Nurse Practitioner Club

Mar 29, 2023

As Nurse Practitioners, we know how large of a role we play in the healthcare setting, but advocating for ourselves and our profession is a vital part of continuing to grow in our role.


Discover the history of NP advocacy and some of the changes Nurse Practitioners want to see in the industry. I’m sharing...

Mar 15, 2023

We’re casting some light on the grey areas of pap smears so you’re prepared for any related questions that might come up on your Nurse Practitioner journey.


I’m discussing the history of paps, why it’s unusual that two out of three authoritative bodies have changed their guidelines while the third has remained...

Mar 1, 2023

After decades since true concrete changes were made to the GINA asthma guidelines, we’ve seen two major changes in a span of just a few years which has resulted in a shakeup in the world of asthma.
Whether you’re studying for your exam or actually entering into practice, listen in this week to hear a full rundown of...