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Real Deal Nurse Practitioner Club

Feb 24, 2021

Listen in this week to gain valuable tips and recommendations from Dr. Bradshaw about your position to negotiate as a new nurse practitioner and what you need to land a job. This is going to be so useful to any new grads, and even if you’re not currently looking for a job, you’ll be able to come back to this episode...

Feb 17, 2021

Join us this week to get a peek into what Jennifer’s nursing journey looks like and how she picked herself back up after failing her exams twice to finish strong on her third try. I know many of you are going to resonate with her story, and her tips will get you inspired in thinking about how to best guarantee success...

Feb 17, 2021

If you want the lowdown on what will put you ahead of the other applicants and how to level up your résumé, listen in this week. Dr. V is sharing her insights on how to prepare to show up as the best representation of yourself, and her unique perspective as the interviewer on the other side who knows what employers...

Feb 17, 2021

Join me on the podcast this week as I share my journey through nursing school, and how I help my clients navigate this incredibly challenging time for themselves. I’m discussing what led me to almost quit while I was still a student, how I overcame that challenge, and why you are capable of being an amazing...