Sep 29, 2021
Discover the best way for you to approach your board exams, so you can get your license and become a real-deal NP. Both of my programs provide all the information you need to pass your boards. But it’s really important to get clear on which approach will give you the best chance of absorbing all the information.
Sep 22, 2021
I lay out some negative self-talk statements I’ve been seeing lately and offer some clear, concise, and kind messages to replace them with. Just taking a look at how you might be speaking to yourself is the first step to squashing it and instead, approach yourself with more compassion and grace as you go into exam...
Sep 15, 2021
Tune in this week for an honest perspective of my experience preparing for my board exams. I’m sharing the tools I used that helped, the ones that didn’t, and what I would do differently if I had to do this experience over again, so you can prepare for your exams with a totally different mindset to what I had at...
Sep 8, 2021
Discover how to manage your anxiety as you start your journey as a fully qualified NP. I’m sharing why there is no shame in asking questions and looking for extra clarity and help as a new provider, and I’m giving you the resources and tools you need to reduce anxiety and imposter syndrome as you find your feet in...
Sep 1, 2021
Tune in today as I walk you through 3 questions to ask yourself if you aren’t currently loving your job. The transition from RN to NP inevitably brings up many challenges, and I’m sharing how these obstacles might be what’s standing in the way of your confidence and full enjoyment of your job.
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