May 29, 2024
Advanced care planning is about your patients planning for the care they want in advance, just in case they become so seriously ill that they’re unable to advocate for themselves. While it’s vital for you to have these conversations with your patients, it often feels overwhelming and intimidating, especially if...
May 15, 2024
Over the past couple of years, weight loss medications like Ozempic have skyrocketed in popularity, having gained the attention of celebrities and social media influencers for their seemingly magical weight loss powers. As a real-deal Nurse Practitioner, you must understand how these medications work in the body and how...
May 1, 2024
You can probably remember how intimidating and overwhelming it was in your very first job as a new nurse, and starting out in your Nurse Practitioner career is no different. You’re learning new skills with a higher level of responsibility and liability, so if you’re not yet walking around with the confidence of a...